OPAC headquarter - France

The OPAC head office was recently renovated and modernized to offer a designed and convivial space to its employees and visitors.

The agency Brullmann and Crochon+Associés in charge of the project chose to improve the acoustic, the clearness and the light. The ceilings of the meeting rooms and the reception hall have been equipped with opening Barrisol Lumière frameworks in double Microacoustic® sheets.

The light placed behind the sheet uniformly reflects on the Barrisol sheet and diffuses a homogeneous and soft day light. Being micro perforated, this sheet offers a remarkable control to comfort in this open space which would otherwise be reverberant.

To install your stretch ceiling : we help in the search for a stretch ceiling approved Barrisol installer nearest you. Barrisol approved installers have received specialized training at Barrisol, pledge of excellence and quality of work.

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