Shopping Mall - The Avenues - Kuwait

Many people might think that we do not pay attention to the architecture of a shopping center, we decorate it, we put lots of lights and full of colors, and businesses do the rest. But that's where the difference is between a mall like the 'Shopping Mall The Avenues' and the others. This "Mall", the largest in Kuwait, was thought of as a work of art, everything is cared for, and so are the ceilings. If you do not pay attention to details you might think it's concrete, but no, it's indeed Barrisol stretch ceilings that cover most of the center.

Barrisol canvases that offer as always a lot of advantages:

  • The work time has been reduced
  • The weight of the structure has been lowered
  • Aesthetics is neat

A feat only possible thanks to Barrisol.

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