Noticias de productos : Archivo 2013

New Reflets Laqués®, Effets Matière®, and Creadesign®

This winter, Barrisol® presents three new references: Vert Aralia®, Bambou Blanc® (white bamboo) and Orient®.

Desire of a “natural colour” stretch ceiling? Barrisol® extend the Reflets Laqués® range with the new reference Vert Aralia®,  that add a new green to the greens already available.

With the new Bambou Blanc®, add a new texture to your stretch ceiling!
Sober and refined, this new finish brings softness and natural to your decoration.

Desire to travel ? The flocked black arabesques of this new Creadesign®, inspired by middle-east ornaments, bring an exceptional touch to all interiors! The Creadesign Orient® will dress all ceilings with elegance.

ref Orient BCO
Creadesign® Orient®

ref BEM 15
Effet Matière® Bambou Blanc®

ref 02069
Reflet Laqué® Vert Aralia®

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