Noticias de productos : Archivo 2012

The ceiling that will reflect well on you

The new Barrisol® Mirror range is available in two finishes « Gold » and « Silver ». These new sheets are specifically designed to be fixed on selfstanding frames. They can be made in many shapes : circles, triangle, squares, rectangles… Fire rated and A+ labelled, these sheets give an exceptional look to newly decorated spaces.

See the Barrisol Mirrors® ceilings

New Effets Matières® "Fleurs blanches" & "Impulsions"

The range of « Effets Matière® », which is already available in 10 finishes  has increased its range to include, 2 new exclusive references, moderns and elegant : « Fleurs Blanches » and « Impulsions ».

BEM 11 Fleurs blanches

BEM 12 Impulsions

Width 135 cm non stretched, 145 cm stretched.
CE certified
BS3-d0 fire rated
A+ labellized

Discover the « Effets Matière® » stretch ceilings

New colours and finishes

BARRISOL® Acoustics® solution... for speech intelligibility.

The new A15 perforated BARRISOL® Acoustic® ceilings reaches a new quality of acoustic comfort.
Every BARRISOL® Acoustic® solution uses an exclusive system of micro-perforation: Miniperf®, Microacoustic®, Acoperf® et Nanoperf®.
These stretch ceilings offers spectacular sound attenuating results in any type of place, like hotels, restaurants, or shopping malls.
Added technology, quality and design, BARRISOL® Acoustics® can fit any interiors.

A15 Nanoperf®
Number of holes : 500 000 / m²
Diameter of a hole : ≈ 0,1 mm
Perforation rate : ≈ 1 %
Thickness : ≈ 0,18 mm

New finish Effet Matière "Fleurs"

Do you know the ceilings BARRISOL® "Les Effets Matières® ?
It is a range of BARRISOL® sheets with special effects. They can create a customized interior design, on the ceiling or on the wall. This prestigious collection is composed of 6 patterns, and one new finish “Fleurs”. To be discovered.

BEM 10 - Fleurs
200 cm non-stretched width, 214 stretched width,
CE certified,
BS3-d0 fire-rated,
labelled A+

See all of our colours and finishes for your stretch ceiling

2 new profiles - Ministar© line

New shapes and design possibilities !

Barrisol offer 2 new profiles in the Ministar© line.

BMS345/06 profile, and BMS 345/20 tube profile :
- specially designed for the creation of 3D frames and structures, providing you the quality finish and strength of the Ministar© line.

See our rails systems

New colours

Rêves Satinés©
07097 Noir Blake : B S2-d0 classified, CE certified. Width 162 cm stretched

Reflets Laqués©
02088 Violet Gilia : B S2-d0 classified, CE certified. Width 162 cm stretched

Effets Matières©
BEM036 Cuir Havane : B S3-d0 classified, CE certified. Width 140 cm stretched (135 cm non stretched)

See all our colours and finishes

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