Legal Information

1. Identification of the administrative editor of the site

Route du Sipes - F68 680 Kembs
Tél. +33 (0) 389 83 20 20
Fax +33 (0) 389 48 43 44
SAS with a capital of 1,919,954 Euros
RCS MULHOUSE 946 750 635
N° TVA FR58 946 750 635

The head office :
Route du Sipes - F68 680 Kembs
Publication Service : communication direction

2. Identification of the host site

101 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10013

3. Technical Information

We reminded that the secrecy of the correspondences is not guaranteed on Internet network. When connecting on the website, the Net surfer is informed that “cookies” can be used in order to identify him and to store the information seized throughout all his connection.

4. Personal data

Information that you give on the site could be recorded for their exclusive treatment by BARRISOL NORMALU SAS. You have a right of access, modification, correction and suppression regarding the data collected on this site, under the conditions envisaged by the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978 (modified) relating to data processing, the files and freedoms. To exert it, you address to the manager of the site at this address email:

Find our Privacy Policy in PDF format.

5. Hypertexts Links

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6. Author's rights

The reproduction or representation, integral or partial, of the pages, the data and any other component to the site, by process or support, are prohibited and constitute without authorization of the editor a counterfeit.

All the elements of this Web site (texts, photography, illustrations, logos, files available to download, database, video or sound clips, graphic charter, general structure of the site, etc) are the exclusive property of BARRISOL NORMALU SAS.

7. Registered brands

The brand and logo BARRISOL are deposited. Any reproduction total or partial of this brand or this logo from the website without the authorization of the owner of the site or his having right is prohibited, within the meaning of the L713-2 article of the Code of the Intellectual property.

8. Models and patents

All the profiles, patents or models deposited are the properties of BARRISOL NORMALU SAS.

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