Barrisol, Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant

EPV : Une marque de l’État français


It is with great pleasure that we announce that Barrisol received the "Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant" label, state label issued by the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry and, in fact, values knowledge -make excellence of our teams nationally and internationally.

The Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (Living Heritage Company, or EPV) label is a mark of recognition of the French State, put in place to reward French firms for the excellence of their traditional and industrial skills.

Awarded for a period of five years, the label brings together producers committed to the quality of their trades and products.

For the first time, companies have access to a goverment-awarded distinction taht reconises their entire activity, because this label is awarded to the company itself, thus rewarding its staff too.


Des critères établissant l'excellence du fabriqué en France

The citeria for receiving this label give value to French production in a very qualitative manner. EPV-labelled companies are characterised by :

  • They own specific economic heritage resulting from their production experience.
  • They put into practice rare skills that draw on a mastery of traditional or technically advanced techniques.
  • They have ties with a particular region.

Based on these criteria, rigorous selection is guaranted. EPV companies are trailblazers in their industry or essential suppliers within their specialism. They are the elite of French proficiency in every field

EPV - Le Label d'Etat

More about the EPV

Download the brochure  (PDF File - 1.34 MB)

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